
1:30 Pacers

Alec Fitzsimmons - A newcomer to our pace team this year, Alec is no stranger to the road racing scene. Boasting several sub 2:50 marathons, Alec is one of our most consistent pacers.

Michael Borst - It's not often you see Michael on the roads these days, as he's normally ripping up the trail scene both locally, as well as abroad. Holding nearly one dozen course records in the ultramarathon world, Michael is one pacer you can always count on regardless of the conditions.


Rob Schroeder - Dropping down from the 1:30 pace group this year, Rob is looking to help the 1:45 group stay on pace no matter the cost for him.

Andy Hutson - Andy is a newcomer for our Grand Bluff Pace Team, but can't think of a better person for the job. Having a rough day out there - Andy has a gift for motivating others, so hop on with him and get right back on pace.

Brian Dahl - Brian is moving up from the 2:00 pace group this year as the third member of our extra strong 1:45 team. Brian will be easy to spot out there, just look UP and you'll see his sign towering above all others out there! 


Vern Weisensel - Vern is one of those runners you can't help but smile when you're with. As the Head Coach for the Grand Bluff Training Team, and boasting an impressive pacing resume, Vern is the perfect man for the job.

Kara Raddant - The perfect woman for the job matches Vern's energy with a speedy background and grit for days. Kara will pull you through the toughest areas of the course and she'll make it look easy!



Eric Vanosdol - Eric is one of the most inspiring runners we know and are excited to have him join our Pace Team for 2017. Looking for an honest opinion out on the course, or need some extra motivation? Run with Eric for a few miles.

Lisa Rippe- 
Lisa is a return pacer for the Grandad Half and has completed 108 marathons and ultras! READ HERE FULL BIO HERE



As two of our most consistent and dedicated pacers, anyone who has run with the 2:30 group before will recognize and remember Tammy Kronebusch and Pat Malotka. We're thankful to have these two amazing women pulling one of the most dedicated groups through the finish line to reach their goals!